About Us

TellThatStory (TTS) is raising a movement of focused and productive artists – photographers, filmmakers, scriptwriters, painters, etc telling genuine stories of the peoples of Africa, our strengths, our culture, our beauty, and the issues befalling us.

We are the catalyst influencing a paradigm shift. We provoke purposeful and intentional changes, where artists are producing quality and consistent bodies of work with the appropriate value for such works.

Artists at TTS ensure that local voices are heard. They address political, environmental, and social questions facing people everywhere.

We place a premium on the power of images from real stories by real people. The members/contributors of TTS are motivated by peoples, stories, and issues. We are proud to promote these stories and issues above the circles of the story or the fellowship of the artist.

We are also an educational space where knowledge is shared by capable hands and books to strengthen the story-telling skills of creativity through a well-stocked open physical library, workshops, zoom sessions, and regular Instagram and Facebook artists features.


If you are interested in having your work featured on our platforms, then please send an email to tellit@tellthatstory.com.ng with 5 to 12 images or a link to your film from a project, an Artist statement, and a short story. For writers, you can pitch your stories and we can connect you with a visual artist to add images to the story.

For Storytellers Big and Small

Hundreds of members use TTS to tell all kinds of stories. Whether you’re a hobbyist or professional photographer, brand or business, school, nonprofit, or sports team, Exposure can help you create stories that resonate with your audience.

This website is developed with support from Global Greengrants Funds, GGF